Monday, June 05, 2006

DOS notes


Master Boot Record/Boot Sector – the sector where the DOS boots from. You use the switch SYS C: or format c: /s to make the MBR and the associated DOS files


DIR Directory

CD Change Directory

MD Make Directory

RD Remove Directory

DEL Delete Files

Switch- The primary command example: DIR, while

Parameter- a command that further defines the command example: /s

DIR Para.

/AH Displays hidden files only

/AS Displays system files only

/AR Displays read only files only

/B Displays files only no other info

/S Shows all files

/W Shows files in the wide format

/P Shows files page by page

/? As with any Switch gives info about switch

F3 Brings up previous command at command prompt

Right Arrow Key Reveals previous command character by character

Wild Cards *

Example dir *.com – displays .com files

Example dir *.* - displays all files

Example dir ???.* /s – shows all 3 letter files

DEL del – deletes

Del h*.sys – deletes system files beginning with h

*.* - deletes all files

COPY copy a:\external\*.sys c:\ – copies all .sys files in external folder

copy a:\*.com c:\ - copies all .com file to c:\ from a:\

XCOPY a:\*.* c:\ /e – copies all files and folders in the a: to the c:

COPY CON Copy Con test.txt – creates a file called test.txt

You then go o n to create the code on the subsequent lines of code

To exit and save the file press F6

TYPE Type text.txt to view that files code

Examples of .bat dir

md a:\folder1

md a:\folder2

copy a:\external\*.sys a:\folder1

del a:\folder1\*.sys

rd a:\folder1

rd a:\folder2

dir a:\*.* /s

CD \ Returns you to the Root of the drive you are on


deltree folder1 – removes all the files and folders contained in folder1

PATH path a:\;a:\external – maps information about a:\ and a:\external


DOSKEY Command that maps executed commands allowing you to re-use

them by pressing the up and down arrow keys

config.sys device=a:\external\himem.sys – loads hi-memory

device=a:\external\ramdrive.sys e/ 2048 – creates a ramdrive of 2MB as drive E:

keyboard.exe keyb uk,, a:\external\keyboard.sys – loads the UK keyboard layout

- example line in autoexec.bat

mouse in autoexec.bat loads mouse driver

When booting press F5 to exclude the autoexec.bat and config.sys from loading, F8 will give you a step-by-step dos boot

MSCDEX The Microsoft CD-ROM DOS driver

In config.sys –

Device=a:\external\teac_cd.sys /d:name – defines the cd-rom drive

letter and name

In autoexec.bat –

a:\external\mscdex /d:name /l:r (l=drive letter)

INTER LNK device=a:\external\interlnk.exe - networking program, interlnk PC is the client; while intersrv is the server

USB use one of two drivers in config.sys

device=a:\external\aspiohci.sys or

device=a:\external\aspiuhci.sys and in autoexec you ad:

a:\external\guest.exe - it should be noted that dos will only recognize devices formatted in FAT16

y.txt/n.txt If you are writing a script any you know you are going to be faced with a y/ n query you can add a

Or you can use the y echo | to prompt the yes answer

FDISK command fdisk 1/pri:1000 - will automatically prompt fdisk to partition an active primary partition of 1000MBs

FORMAT command format c: /s - fomats and puts mbr and files onto c:

foremat c: /q - quick format

format c: /v:"" - gives volume label

Referral Use < example="">

in a batch file: format c: /v:””

ECHO y | Use this command when you have a command that automatically says yes to a

query, another example is ECHO n |, example:

echo y | format c: /v:”

SYS c: / format c: /s Both transfer the system files and make a MBR to the target disk


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