Monday, May 22, 2006

Resistance The electrical property most commonly measured in troubleshooting components

Measured on ohms
A measurement of infinite resistance, in other words, indicates if electricity can flow through a wire

If the reading is infinite, no electricity can flow, meaning there is a good chance that the cable is broken

The amount of compound is critical, too much and you won’t get good heat transfer;
too little and you won’t get good heat transfer

There should only be a very thin layer of compound on the die

Airflow There is an ideal airflow path in PC cases, from front to back,

cooling the areas of the board that most need airflow

Testing CMOS Configuration Has Changed Error (or similar)
This is normal. Your PC is saying that new devices or memory have been attached
One Long Beep, Three Short Beeps, and No Video

Typically a memory failure (memory not installed or seated properly)

Computer Powers Up for a Moment, and then Powers Down
and Will Not Turn Back
On until you Unplug It

Usually caused by CPU fan that won’t turn on, isn’t at the right speed or is the kind that can’t send info to the motherboard

A Loud Bang, Smoke, or both at the Back of the Case

PSU was set to wrong voltage

The PC is on, But No Video on the Monitor and you hear One Beep

The video card is probably not seated probably

No Video and You smell Burning Silicon

Chances are the manufacturer has installed the BIOS chip incorrectly, causing a short.

The chip has burned up on power up.

FRU Field Replaceable Units

Those units (components) that can be replaced in the field (wherever the PC is)

Bad Pixels With LCDs sometimes defects occur where you get a non-responsive pixel, caused by a corresponding faulty transistor

PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association

Also called PC Card

32-bit Bus Width, bus speed form 8MHz to 33MHz (PCMCIA version 3)

Type 1: 3.3mm thick and are most commonly used as memory cards

Type 2: (5mm) Used mostly as modems or LANs

Type 3: Slot is 10.5mm thick. Commonly uses as PC Card HDDs

Docking A Docking Port is used to connect a laptop to a special laptop-only parpherial - a

Station Docking Station. A Docking Station can contain a full size expansion bay, expansion bus

slots, can connect to full size keyboards, printers, etc,

Docking Stations are proprietary hardware, usually pacifically to the make and model of the laptop

    1. 802.11b: operates at either 1Mbps or 11Mbps over 2.4GHz radio frequency band

802.11g: dame frequency band but operates at: 1Mbps, 11Mbsp, 54Mbps


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