Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Notes 17/06/2006 - Networks

Network Communication Protocols

TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)

Only protocol suite that is used by the internet is TCP/IP

IP (Internet Protocol - Connection-less Protocol)

Handles the movement of data between PCs and network node addressing

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol - Connection-oriented Protocol)
Handles reliable delivery of data

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
Transmits error messages and network statistics

UDP (User Datagram Protocol - Connection-less Protocol)
Similar to TCP, but with less overhead therefore faster, but less reliable

IP uses a Routing Table to get from ‘A to B’
IPU4 (32 bit address= 42 billion)

32 bit address is split into 4 groups of 8 bits

Each group has a range of 256 (0-255) - 255x255x255x255

Called Dotted Decimal Notation of IP Addresses

Every IP Address is split into 2 sections: Network section/Node Section

IPX/SPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange)

Used by Novell NetWare

Similar to TCP/IP but used primarily in LANs

The 2 main protocols in IPX/IPS, IPX and IPS provide the same functions

that TCP and UDP do in TCP/IP

Uses MAC to ID workstation


(Network Basic Input Output System/

NetBIOS Extended User Interface)

Session-layer Protocol

Has no Networking layer and therefore no routing capability

– only suitable for small networks

AppleTalk CSMA/CA

Protocol Addressing

IPX Address – 8 digit hex number for network portion/node portion (12 digit hex)


IP Address – decimal (

Subnet Mask: Define in IP Addressing – what is network (255) what is node (0)


Default Gateway: Router/Gateway IP Address

Ethernet: 10Base2 - 10MbpsBaseband2(185 meters)

10Base5 - 10MbpsBaseband5(500 meters)

10BaseT - 10MbpsBasebandT(Twisted Pair Cable)

10BaseF - 10MbpsBasebandF(Fibre Optic)

(Baseband is Digital while Broadband=Analogue)


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